Thursday, September 9, 2010

Project Management Institute (PMI) espouses Economic, Social and Environmental Balance .Project Management Institute (PMI) espouses Economic, Social

Irrespective of whether you come from the developed world or the developing world, sustainable lifestyle is increasingly becoming a cherished goal. Sustainability aims to promote balanced use of earth’s natural resources; ensuring that they are not depleted or permanently damaged. While Mother Nature always strives to maintain equilibrium, irresponsible human activity often results in undermining the delicate balance. Sustainability is all about trying to restore the equilibrium; for the sake of current and future generations.

It is very essential to dispel the misconception that sustainability is focused on environmental aspects alone. Sustainability deals with environmental issues for sure, but at the same time, it also encompasses economic and social aspects. Imbalance in any of the three aspects adversely affects human well being, not only in the developing world but also in developed nations.

It is common knowledge that while global warming is a consequence of environmental imbalances caused by concentration of industrial activity in certain geographical regions, the adverse effects are dispersed across the planet. The economic crisis which resulted in global upheaval is a direct result of imbalance in credit facilities versus available assets. Knee jerk reactions of governments; aimed at enforcing austerity measures; resulted in further aggravating the financial woes of the common man, leading to social instability.

It is heartening to observe that many nations and organizations have now come to realize the importance of promoting sustainability and are actively devising policies to mitigate economic, social and environmental imbalances. The carbon free Masdar City launched in Abu Dhabi is a noteworthy example. The city housing 50,000 inhabitants will be powered by renewable energy and aims to be a hub for companies and organisations focused on global sustainability. Another prominent program is Coca Cola’s drive to reduce the consumption of non recycle-able materials during production. The objective is to reduce carbon emissions by a million metric tonnes, the amount equivalent to emissions of 2,15,000 vehicles. Many other governments and organizations are also pursuing policies to contribute to global sustainability by adopting responsible practices.

While governments and organizations are playing their role, we need to see how we may contribute; as individuals and professionals; to promote sustainability. As Project Managers, we undertake projects exceeding US $ 15 Trillion on an annual basis. It is hence the moral responsibility of every Project Manager to behave responsibly in safeguarding the present and future of this precious planet. Every project, irrespective of its size, will have positive as well as negative effects on global sustainability. We should strive to reduce the negative effects; and at the same time; enhance the positive ones. Realizing the importance of promoting awareness about global sustainability, Project Management Institute (PMI) has launched Project Management Global Sustainability Community of Practice. The primary objective of the community is to advance the understanding about the importance of global sustainability and to provide the knowledge, practices, tools, and techniques to integrate global sustainability into all types of projects, programs and portfolios. This community has been established also to educate the global sustainability community about the value of utilizing project, program and portfolio management to achieve global sustainability.

I am proud to be chosen as the first Community Council Manager of the Project Management Global Sustainability Community of Practice. I hope to turn this community into a vibrant forum which actively pursues economic, social and environmental balance by encouraging project managers to incorporate global sustainability in all current and future projects. The task is challenging and I look forward to teaming with you to advance this noble cause. The main objective of the community is to enhance the awareness of organizations, governments and individuals on matters related to sustainability. The community will also help devise strategies and practical guidelines that lead to more sustainable projects. The Global Sustainability Community of Practice will also serve as an advisory body offering expert opinions and consultancy on matters related to economic, social and environmental stability.
Through this article, I solicit your support to work together as members of Project Management Global Sustainability Community of Practice and play our due role in the well being of humanity. Let us help our governments and organizations in devising sustainable policies. Let us manage our projects in ways which result in better economic, social and environmental balance. Let us make this world a better place for us as well as future generations.

Please share with us your valuable comments and ideas.
Written by Mohamed Khalifa Hassan
Community Council Manager,
Project Management Global Sustainability Community of Practice,
Project Management Institute (PMI), USA.

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